Got pain? We can help!

As summertime brings about warmer and drier days, many people will take to the outdoors to participate in activities and sporting events. Many times we will stress our bodies with more frequent and more physically demanding activities.

Using different muscles of our body in different ways, beyond the inactivity of the winter and wetter spring months, puts many at a higher risk for injury. The Physical Medicine Department at Premier Family Physicians is accustomed to treating patients for injuries ranging from neck and back pain to shoulder, hand, leg, and foot sprains, employing a holistic treatment approach in conjunction with their family physician.

Properly identifying musculoskeletal health problems that have been the cause of recurrent injuries, aches, or pains for years is our goal so that all of our patients can return to full summertime activities with confidence in their body’s abilities.

To diminish the odds of sustaining summertime activity injuries, please keep the following in mind:

  1. Proper hydration is crucial in keeping muscles working properly as well as preventing headaches or dehydration which would manifest as fainting, dizziness, or rapid heartbeat.
  2. Proper warm-up of your muscles with light stretches followed by light cardiovascular activity and a second round of stretching is necessary prior to participation in activity, especially if it is an activity or sport that you haven’t played in a long time.
  3. Always be aware of your physical capabilities. Remember that just because you were able to compete at a certain level in the past does not mean that you can compete at that level now. Always listen to that little voice in your head that most people ignore while they perform that one last minute or set of exercise that leads to injury.
  4. Be social. Participation in summertime or sporting activities with a partner, even in solitary activities such as running or walking, will keep you motivated and ensure that you will have help in case of injury.


Contact your family physician at Premier Family Physicians to see if you need a pre-activity evaluation or treatment for injury at the Physical Medicine Department.

Call us at: 512-892-7076